Two days ago we left Houston, and now we're back. The tanks had to be cleaned before we could pick up more cargo. Yesterday, the 3rd mate showed us around in the morning and the 3rd engineer showed us around in the afternoon in order to help us become more familiar with the vessel. We spent this morning reading manuals and other documents, again intended to help us familiarize ourselves with the vessel, but this afternoon we assisted in cleaning a shell and tube type heat exchanger that is part of the ship's nitrogen generation plant. It was fun. Then we were able to observe maneuvering into port from the bridge. It was very cool watching the pilot take command and tugs push the ship into the dock.
Grant |

We were only at sea two days and Grant has already befriended a volleyball... Can't wait to see what he's like halfway across the Pacific.
We are taking on cargo here, then going to another port a little further south to take on cargo, then we will start for Panama.